Antykwariat Epicki > HISTORIA I ARCHEOLOGIA > Historia powszechna > XIX wiek > Queen Victoria’s youngest son. The untold story of prince Leopold.

Queen Victoria’s youngest son. The untold story of prince Leopold.


„This admirable biography is a moving tribute to a prince who overcame much suffering, and it gives us a better understanding both of Victorian royal history and of a family coping with disability.” (The Daily Telegraph).
Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany (1853-84), is acknowledged to have been the most intelligent and probably the most interesting of Queen Victoria’s four sons. He was by all accounts a strong-willed, attractive character, with an immense thirst for life. He was also, however, the first haemophilia sufferer in the royal family and endured continual ill health; as if haemophilia was not enough, he was also epileptic.

1 w magazynie

Autor dziełaCharlotte Zeepvat
WydawnictwoThistle Publishing, Londyn
Rok wydania2013
Wymiary230 x 150 mm
Ilość stron298
Numer ISBN978-1-909609-94-5
Typ okładkiMiękka
Stan obwoluty-
Stan ogólny książkiBardzo dobra
Uwagi techniczne
„This admirable biography is a moving tribute to a prince who overcame much suffering, and it gives us a better understanding both of Victorian royal history and of a family coping with disability.” (The Daily Telegraph).
Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany (1853-84), is acknowledged to have been the most intelligent and probably the most interesting of Queen Victoria’s four sons. He was by all accounts a strong-willed, attractive character, with an immense thirst for life. He was also, however, the first haemophilia sufferer in the royal family and endured continual ill health; as if haemophilia was not enough, he was also epileptic.
When did the Queen and Prince Albert realise that their youngest son was ill and how much did they understand of his illness? Some of Leopold’s early attacks were described as „rheumatism” – was this an attempt to keep the truth concealed or a genuine misunderstanding?
In this biography, Charlotte Zeepvat has drawn on various sources to reveal a compelling human story which delves into the complexities of Leopold’s relationship with his mother for the first time. The book also examines Leopold’s life at Oxford, the varied and interesting friendships he developed there (with, among others, Charles Dodgson – „Lewis Carroll”, John Ruskin and Oscar Wilde), whilst also touching on the wider worlds of literature, art and politics in the Victorian period.
Biografia w wersji anglojęzycznej.
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