Antykwariat Epicki > NAUKI ŚCISŁE > Fizyka > The Holographic Universe

The Holographic Universe


Today nearly everyone is familiar with holograms, three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser.
Now, two of the world’s most eminent thinkers – University of London physicists David Bohm, a former protege of Einstein’s and one of the world’s most respected quantum physicists, and Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, one of the architects of our modern understanding of the brain — believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind.

1 w magazynie

Autor dziełaMichael Talbot
WydawnictwoHarper Collins Publishers
Rok wydania1991
Wymiary245 x 165 mm
Ilość stron340
Numer ISBN0-06-01638X
Typ okładkiTwarda
Stan obwolutyBardzo dobry
Stan ogólny książkiBardzo dobra
Uwagi techniczneObwoluta dodatkowo zafoliowana.

Holograficzny wszechświat. Autor udowadnia, że nasz świat nie jest prawdziwy, że jest tylko hologramem wytworzonym przez naszą świadomość, i na dowód tego przedstawia wiele dowodów.

Today nearly everyone is familiar with holograms, three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser.
Now, two of the world’s most eminent thinkers – University of London physicists David Bohm, a former protege of Einstein’s and one of the world’s most respected quantum physicists, and Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, one of the architects of our modern understanding of the brain — believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind.

This remarkable new way of looking at the universe explains not only many of the unsolved puzzles of physics, but also such mysterious occurrences as telepathy, out-of-body and near death experiences, „lucid” dreams, and even religious and mystical experiences such as feelings of cosmic unity and miraculous healings.

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